Julie is a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA), a member of the Association of Daily Money Managers (AADM), a certified HIICAP counselor, and a Northwestern University graduate. She lives in Manhattan and Westhampton, NY, with her artist husband and Havanese doggies.
Julie Levine
Experience in the Music Industry
Personal Journey
Julie Levine has been organizing and managing people’s lives and money her whole career.
When her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2005, Julie used her skills to navigate complex healthcare and financial needs, realizing she could help others in similar situations.
In January 2022, Organize My Life merged with Personal Financial Care, serving clients from New York City and Hamptons offices.
With over 25 years in music and entertainment, Julie has managed top talents like Bruce Springsteen and Mariah Carey. As a record label executive and talent manager, she protected her clients' interests, managed contracts, and led teams of professionals.
Organize My Life
Julie dedicated a year to training, mentored by industry pioneer Phyllis Pawlovsky. She now supports clients through various life stages, including seniors, divorcees, and busy professionals by handling their financial details.
Merging with Personal Financial Care
Phyllis Pawlovsky
Phyllis’ prior career was over 20 years with several New York City law firms as Director of Administration. She was a Director of the National Association of Legal Administrators and the founder and managing editor of the award-winning New York/New York Newsletter.
She also teaches investment education through BetterInvesting, a national investment education organization where she served as its first female Director of its Computer Group. In addition, Phyllis created the organization’s NEWBIE program, showcased at its annual conferences, teaching beginners to invest using computers. She has conducted workshops on computerized investing at Investors Fairs and has been a motivational speaker at newly forming and flailing investment clubs. She has been a frequent speaker on financial news television programs including CNN, CNBC, CBS and NY1.
Phyllis has been published in the BetterInvesting BITS, the New York Computerist and People to People.
Phyllis has a Bachelor of business Education from Pace University in NYC.
Phyllis the founder of Personal Financial Care, LLC with over 27 years’ experience as a Daily Money Manager, providing service to seniors, adults with special needs, and busy professionals. She is an excellent communicator and problem solver.
Phyllis was the co-founder of the Greater New York Chapter of the American Association of Daily Money Managers and has been a member of its national organization since 2002, having served for several years as a director and as a mentor. She is proud to say that several of her local interns have become seasoned business owners and exceptional service providers to the New York community.
Leeya began working with Phyllis Pawlovsky at Personal Financial Care in 2009 where she managed clients' banking, brokerage and credit card accounts, processed medical claims and tracked reimbursements. She became the firm expert in financial software Quickbooks and Quicken and the spreadsheet software, Excel, resulting in the firm’s ability to expertly handle the clients' financial and medical accounts.
Leeya has been in the financial services industry for over 20 years. She began her career with an insurance and investment company where she educated clients on its various financial products and created financial strategies to meet their needs and goals. She has always been a great listener and understood what was most important to her clients. In addition, Leeya worked, for several years, with an accounting firm becoming experienced in financial reports and payroll matters.
Leeya is a skillful troubleshooter and problem solver. Her ability to create personal relationships with her clients and their families has resulted in her retaining the same clients for over 13 years as well as building relationships with new clients.
Leeya lives in San Diego, CA with her husband and son and works remotely with her New York clients.